Hello there!

My name is Theodora and I’m a 25-year-old girl residing in Piraeus, Greece.
Writing has been a great passion of mine since childhood and I’ve finally found the courage to pursue my dream of creating a blog and sharing it with the world. Along with my writing I will also share my historic research as well as my travel experience, which are other pastimes I’m passionate about. Now that I gave a little bit about myself away let’s dive in the most interesting part, shall we?
In Scarpanto Lady you will find:
- Book reviews ( of the books I enjoyed reading and would highly reccomend )
- Movie reviews (about the films that I loved)
- Historic events (published on the date they actually happened)
- A monthly post about a woman (modern or ancient) who achieved remarkable deeds
- Monthly lists of my favourite things of said month
- My travel experiences (when work obligations and finances allow it )
- Lifestyle related posts
P.S If you have any blog post suggestions that are included in the topics I blog about feel free to contact me via my email or directly message me on my social media. (both my email and the link to my Instagram account are displayed at the bottom of the page)
See you in my next post! xoxo